Edward Scott

Herpes Infection vs Men and Women | Herpes Treatment

Herpes Infection vs Men and Women | Herpes Treatment

  Herpes Cure & Greater Risk Of Infection (Herpes)  It has been noted that female has a greater risk of infection (herpes) than the male population. Basically, twice as many women as men have been infected with the infection (herpes). This infection (herpes) can become extensively more harmful to women during their pregnancy. It is …

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(Tinnitus Cure) How Garlic is most useful at curing tinnitus?

(Tinnitus Cure) How Garlic is most useful at curing tinnitus?

Curing Tinnitus Garlic is most useful at curing tinnitus caused by changes in size or conditions. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects that are most useful in curing tinnitus when used straight to the ear canal. To make this remedy, crush some garlic cloves and lightly fry them in a tablespoon of sesame or olive …

(Tinnitus Cure) How Garlic is most useful at curing tinnitus? Read More »

(HSV Cure) Viral Families of the herpes viridae

Relative viruses of the Herpes simplex virus There are 2 main relative viruses of the Herpes simplex virus, HSV-1, and HSV-2 – the Herpes simplex virus 1 and the Herpes simplex virus 2 respectively. They are even referred to as HHV-1 and HHV-2 which exist the abbreviations for human herpes virus 1 and human herpes …

(HSV Cure) Viral Families of the herpes viridae Read More »